Monday, May 5, 2008

Buy Less (<) Crap

I happened to meet Ben in San Francisco during my visit there to attend a conference a week ago. I had read a bit from him just before departing my hometown through CouchSurfing, my one-tool-kit to travel the world now.

As I stated in the reference I left him into the couchsurfing system, "Ben, is an awesome human being. ... an inspiring, enthusiastic and committed person which easily creates empathy. He's got powerful ideas and I'm most certain he'll manage to accomplish great things in life and serve others at the same time".

Face to face, didrinking juicy mango caipirinhas, one of the things I learnt from him was related to this campaign he initiated with some friends some time ago, called " Buy Less (<) Crap". It seeks through the logo (<), to get the idea into people's mind that we should reduce our consumption patterns and think twice every time we encounter the opportunity to buy some new stuff about whether we do really need it or not.

has three simple rules:

1) Explore the beauty of less in your own life.
2) Do more for others.
3) No money changes hands around its use.

I promised to drag the concept along with me overseas and spread it among "my" people. And I always do my best to keep my word.

So, if you think, as I do, that (<) is a beautiful concept, do spread the word yourself. Together we can make this world a better place for all, not just for the bunch of us who are lucky enough to live in the bright side of the Globe.

Thanks Ben!

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