Thursday, March 13, 2008

Des del meu silenci / From my silence

Darrerament no actualitzo massa el blog, i no és pas perquè no en tingui ganes ni no tingui res a dir; és senzillament perquè no trobo el temps. No em queixo perquè m'ho passo molt bé i el que faig m'agrada molt, malgrat és cert que a banda de treballar (anant amunt i avall tot el dia) i anar en bici (el meu gran vici ara), poca cosa més faig.

Darrerament també he notat que em truca menys gent potser pel mateix motiu, i també potser perquè sovint trigo moltíssim a tornar les trucades i els emails personals que requereixen de respostes llargues i elaborades descansen durant molt de temps a la bústia d'entrada del Gmail. De nou, no és que no en tingui ganes, que no valori l'amistat o que passi de tot i només vagi a la meva, del que no fa massa dies algú em va acusar; és que no trobo el moment de fer-ho “bé” o com jo voldria, i en el seu defecte, no ho faig, que sembla encara pitjor.

Però tampoc em queixo, diuen que tothom sembra el que recull i procuro mantenir les relacions, si bé potser, amb gent que no són les que freqüento més quotidianament, una mica més fugisserament, sense oblidar-les malgrat ho sembli. I entenc que qui em coneix, ho sap o intueix que ara “això és el que em toca”, i que no me n'he oblidat (bé, d'alguns clarament si, però és només perquè s'ho han guanyat a pols!)

Amb això, un breu per dir que, encara sóc aquí i que, des del silenci, tinc moltes, moltes coses a dir ;O)


English Version

Lately I don't really do a good job keeping my blog updated. Believe me, it's not a lack of will or a lack of things to communicate, it's merely and solely because I can't find the time to sit down calmly and let my words flow.

I don't complain, I am having a great time doing what I do even though it's true that besides working (moving around most of the time) and biking (my big vice now), I don't do much else.

Lately, I've also noticed that people stopped calling me, maybe simply for the basic fact that it takes me ages to reply to calls and that emails that require long and elaborated answers sit on my Gmail account for weeks on end before I manage to write, still then, a very simple reply. Again, it's not a lack of appreciation or a lack of steam and will to communicate to them, or that I only care about myself like recently someone accused me of. I can't find the right moment to do it right or with the "quality" I would like to provide to them from me.

All together though, I am not complaining here, as I know I am doing my best now and also that besides the limitation I feel I am facing at the moment, I try to continue my relationships with people with whom I don't have a frequent contact, at least beating there. I am most certain that they will understand this is the time for me to do what I am doing now, and I am still learning to cope, and also that I haven't forgotten them (ok, some of them yes, but only because they worked pretty hard to get it and I wasn't going to deceive them!!)

So, all this to say I am still around and that from my present silence, I've got lots to say (still!!)


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